But it's better than BloodRayne
Year: 2011
Director: Scott Charles Stewart
Overall Rating: 2 stars
Rewatchability: You've already seen it.
Netflix Link: Priest
The 3D is decent, but the movie is nothing special.. It's tolerable for your standard post-apocalyptic vampire movie, but a masterpiece it's not.

You know, there are some movies you go in with some expectation of them being a bad vampire movie, but this one wasn't really going for that and ended up being more cliche than anticipated. At least they weren't all vampire cliches...
We really enjoyed the cross-genre cliche usage. Unfortunately, I only get to say cliche once for every cliche in the movie, so you'll only hear cliche 1,000 more times.
Kitty asked if I remembered to mention the fact that the "vampires" don't have eyes. That means that they don't have souls since the eyes are the windows to the soul... REALLY! They said that. We think they wanted to try to do something new and we clueless so *POOF* no eyes!
Cue cliche flurry of bats...
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